Application form for supportive Bursary 2024/25

Financial Support Available for:


  1. Transport (Bus/Train Season Ticket)

  2. Learning Resource Contribution

  3. Food Allowance £5 per day (to be used in on-site refectories)

  4. Essential equipment for relevant subjects i.e. calculators, books, art packs etc

  5. Curriculum-related day trips

  6. Stationery (vouchers to be provided)

  7. UCAS fees (to be reimbursed to student)


The student must fall into one of four categories

  1. In Care

  2. Care Leavers

  3. Receiving Income Support (IS), or Universal Credit (UC) in their own name because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner

  4. Receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit (UC) in their own right

Evidence (We are unable to proceed without evidence):

Please supply evidence relating to the eligibility category as stated above

  1. Letter from Social Worker

  2. Letter from Social Worker

  3. Copy of letter from DWP or Universal Credit statement dated within three months of application. All pages must be submitted.

  4. Copies of letters from DWP or Universal Credit statement dated within three months of application for both benefits. All pages must be submitted.

No file chosen

To be completed by student

Do you require assistance with travel costs*
If Yes, how will you be travelling? Please tick
Other financial assistance required:



  1. I have provided relevant documentation to support my application.

  2. I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have given is correct.

  3. I agree to provide the college with details of any changes in personal circumstances as they occur.

  4. I understand the continuation of any award is conditional on achieving an attendance of 90% or above across my study programme and meeting college expectations for coursework and behaviour.

The personal data entered on this form will be held on both paper and computer files. It will be shared with the ESFA in line with our legal obligations to provide information as part of the funding regulations. We will also use this information internally in order to administer and monitor the payment of the Bursary and Contribution to Food Costs scheme.


We will not be able to process your application if you have not provided relevant supporting evidence.