Learning Support
Support for Learners
The College will aim to meet the learning needs of students wherever possible.
The Learning Support department (‘Number 58’) provides a service for any student wanting help or advice in their studies.
Support: Universal - Available to all students
Any student in college can receive support from the Learning Support department.
Students can email learningsupport@colchsfc.ac.uk to ask for support in a range of areas, including:
- Organisation
- Study skills
- Revision
- Essay writing
- Exam technique
The SENCo will allocate sessions with a member of the learning support team as needed.
At busy times a wait list may need to be implemented.
Support: Targeted - focussed support for students with specific learning needs
‘The expected additional provision which is ordinarily available in mainstream schools for some children and young people who have been identified as having special educational needs.’
Students who have identified learning support needs at school or at college. Students may have a One-Plan or EHCP but do not want 1-2-1 regular help in the classroom.
Moderate needs students will have a One Plan for college, this will be based on initial information given, i.e. One Plan from school, a diagnostic report with recommendations for learning and then developed in conjunction with the student within the first half term. Parents will be sent a copy of the One Plan and asked to contribute anything further.
Students with moderate needs may have some 1-2-1 support with an LSA/ SENCO for additional study skills development or academic monitoring.
May have weekly support through our MH services: Wellbeing, WARMS, Counselling service etc.
As with any student in college students can email learningsupport@colchsfc.ac.uk to book in for support in particular areas.
Support: Specialist - High needs
A high needs student will have a ‘history of need’ – EHCP and/or significant LS need and/ or disrupted education (NEECA/ home tuition) OR identified at College that there are significant issues or deterioration in health issues.
Students considered HLN or ‘high level needs’, may have specialist support such as subject support and/ or organised learning support study skills development and/ or exam access arrangement assessment (if appropriate).
These students will require 1-2-1 support inside the classroom (LSA in lessons) and/ or 1-2-1 support for independent learning (study periods). This will be decided in discussion with the student and their parents prior to enrolment.
Students considered HLN and receiving specialist support will be tracked and monitored by the SENCO.
Additional to this there may, at times, be students with needs considered ‘exceptional’.
Any student considered EHLN (exceptional high-level needs) will always have a considerable ‘history of need’, an EHCP and or disrupted education (NEECA/ home tuition) OR identified at College that there are significant issues or deterioration in health issues.
Students considered EHLN or ‘exceptional high-level needs’, may have subject support and/ or organised learning support study skills development and/ or exam access arrangement assessment (if appropriate).
As a student with exceptional high needs student – the student will need 1-2-1 support inside the classroom (LSA in lessons) and/ or 1-2-1 support for independent learning (study periods) BUT significantly more than a HLN student – perhaps hearing impaired and needs BSL communication AND a note taker AND literacy lessons or significant mobility issues and needs 1-2-1 support AND personal care.
Students considered EHLN will be tracked and monitored by SENCO.
Exam Access Arrangements
We can assess learners for Exam Access Arrangements. It is important that if a student has access arrangements at their previous school they should make contact with the Learning Support Department as soon as possible. This is because there are exam board deadlines and failure to apply may mean that arrangements cannot be made for future exams.
*Please note that in line with JCQ regulations we are unable to accept privately paid for diagnostic reports e.g. ASD/ADHD reports as sole evidence for implementing exam arrangements.
Providing Specialist Software/Resource
We can provide some specialist software and can bid for additional funding for software and resources should a learner require something specific.
With additional County Council funding, we can buy in additional support e.g. Teacher of the Deaf, BSL Communicator, Notetaker etc.
Please get in touch with us in the Learning Support Department for further information or to ask a question. If you have a Learning Support need, we encourage you to get in touch with the Learning Support Department as soon as possible.
Study Skills
Throughout the year the Learning Hub hosts a number of courses aimed at supporting your studies. We cover, revision skills, managing your time in an exam, essay writing, organisation, supported homework, preparing for exams, improving your handwriting and more! Keep your eye on the student bulletin for courses on offer or pay us a visit and see what we have to offer.