
Download Results Booklet 2022-23


Students at The Sixth Form College, Colchester have achieved excellent results in their A level programmes in this summer’s examination and assessment series. In line with the planned national grade allocation in England instigated by the relevant Government agencies, over the piece 2023 grades are very similar to the strong results achieved by students at the College in 2019 (the last pre-covid year when a ‘normal’ profile of A level grades were allocated).

The year group of nearly 1500 students who studied A level programmes at the College in the 2021-23 period achieved a subject/course pass rate of approximately 97%.  100% pass rates were achieved in a large number of A level subjects including in Ancient History, German, Spanish, Italian, History of Art, Music, Electronics and Art and there were 99% or 98% pass rates in most other subjects.  Results were strong in the range of science subjects. 

Well over 90% of all the 18-year-old students at the College achieved 3 or more A level or Applied General Extended Certificate (A level equivalent) qualifications in their sixth form studies – a level of achievement which once again it is believed will be very significantly above the national average level in sixth forms at school and colleges across England and Wales.  It is also believed the 2023 cohort will again have achieved a strong ‘value-added’ level of achievement i.e., a positive assessment when students overall package of results achieved by the end of their sixth form studies are related to the package of GCSE results they achieved at age 16. 

In UCAS points terms the average level of achievement of the College’s top 100 upper sixth students is equivalent to grades A* A* A at A level and these ‘top end’ results, it is understood, will again match or exceed the results of the top 100 student achievers in virtually all of the selective grammar or independent schools in the country.

The overall A level, and other level 3 results achieved by the cohort of students this year are described by Ian MacNaughton, the College Principal, as "Excellent. Our students’ achievements are very strong and they must be very warmly congratulated for their levels of engagement, resilience and hard work in their sixth form studies - particularly following a difficult, covid affected, educational period when they were studying GCSEs”.

Well over 1000 of the 2021-23 cohort of students from The Sixth Form College have now obtained the necessary qualifications to be able to proceed onto university degree courses including a very large cohort of students who have now achieved the grades required for offers for places on prestige degree courses including, Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Engineering, Maths, Computing, the range of sciences, modern foreign languages, Economics, Architecture, Law, English and History or have achieved places at Oxford or Cambridge or Russell Group Universities or Medical Schools or for other highly competitive universities or degree courses. Other students have achieved excellent opportunities in degree apprenticeships or other employment with training routes.