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Former Students

Forthcoming Events

Reunion and Awards Evening

This is an annual event which is held at the Charter Hall, Colchester. This is a chance for summer leavers to meet with their ex-College friends and also to bring their parents, guardians or relatives along to enjoy the evening. Students will be able to collect their exam certificates and prize winners will be able to collect their Awards. Invitations are normally sent out in October. This event takes place in December. Further details to follow.

UCAS Applications

If you are applying for University entry via the College you will need a buzzword to link your application with the College. The buzzword for UCAS applications is changed each year – please contact Careers for the updated buzzword.

If you have any queries regarding these details please contact our senior tutor support department.


Pleased do join us on linkedin

Destination Information

We love to hear how our former students are doing. Have you recently started a new job, finished a year out or graduated? If so please let us know by filling out the form below with your new details.

All personal information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence. Any destination information provided will be published in our Reunion and Awards booklet as shown in the box on this page.

Personal Details Form


Contact Careers

The Careers Department is located in room 113, through the Library, and is open to students from the following times:

Mon-Thu 8.30 am - 4.30 pm, Fridays 8.30 am - 4.00 pm

Careers Leader/Head of Careers and Progression Evette Hawkins

Telephone: 01206 500700 or 500714
Email the careers team