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GCSE Citizenship

On this course you will develop the skills and knowledge needed to make a difference in your own lives, such as knowing what your rights are. As well as in the wider community/world, such as promoting youth mental health services. You will learn how to campaign for change successfully, how to get involved with and promote pressure groups and charities of personal interest, what democracy and human rights are, how to hold politicians to account, how to stand up for your beliefs and so much more!

It is a lively and interesting course that will increase your self-confidence and enable you to make a case for a point of view to persuade others to agree with you. Beyond the classroom, you will have the opportunity to visit Parliament, attend a Magistrates or Crown Court and meet with local councillors. Assessment involves two written exams on the following topics: Life in Modern Britain, Rights and Responsibilities, Politics and Participation and Active Citizenship.