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Sport & Physical Education


This course contains a mixture of dynamic theoretical content and practical performance skills. It covers factors that affect both participation and optimal performance in physical activity and sport.

Students will develop knowledge of contemporary topics in sport and equip themselves with the analytical skills necessary for higher education and the world of work. The course will also enhance a student’s understanding of the factors that affect their own performance and that of others.

Sport and Physical Education is an interdisciplinary subject that can be helpful to any student and can usefully be studied in combination with a number of subjects, but which most directly overlaps with Biology, Sociology and Psychology.

Recreational and competitive sport have enjoyed a high priority and status at the College over a 30-year period. We have good links with the University of Essex who have delivered relevant workshops.

Many Physical Education students will also take the opportunity to join our 1st 4 Sport, Coaching Sport & Physical Activity (CSPA) Level 2 programme, which develops their practical coaching skills within local primary schools.

This is not a compulsory option but it is highly recommended for students to take this qualification to support any application to further study and employment in the sports industry. Opportunities will be available to progress to the Level 3 qualification in Year 2.

The Sport and PE Department runs a range of support classes on a weekly basis and all staff are available for students to approach for extra help. Each student will be equipped with a published revision guide and workbook, which provides a logical progression through the course.


The course consists of seven units:

  1. Applied Anatomy and Physiology.
  2. Skill Acquisition.
  3. Sport and Society.
  4. Exercise Physiology.
  5. Biomechanical movement.
  6. Sport Psychology.
  7. Sport and Society – the role of technology in physical activity and sport.


Progression to the second year of this A Level course will be dependent on having made satisfactory progress in the first year of the course, including achieving at least an E grade in a formal late spring assessment, as well as the maintenance of a good level of attendance and commitment throughout the year.

Assessment Process:

Two written examination papers are taken at the end of the second year:

Paper 1: 35% of A Level.  A mixture of short and long answer questions with extended response questions on Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Skill Acquisition and Sport and Society.


Paper 2: 35% of A Level.  A mixture of short and long answer questions with an extended question on Exercise Physiology, Biomechanical Movement, Sport Psychology and Sport and Society – the role of technology in physical activity and sport.



Non-Exam Assessment:

Coursework – worth 30% of A Level:

  1. Practical performance as a performer in a fully recognised competitive situation-worth 15%. The sport selected MUST be on the AQA approved list and students will be expected to gather their own video footage either playing competitively for college or their club team.

It is highly recommended that students attend and represent the college in the sports that are available as part of the additional studies sporting programme.


  1. Written coursework involving analysis of performance highlighting weaknesses with an evaluation of a theoretical cause and corrective measure - worth 15%.



Standard College entry requirements (see page 12 of the prospectus) and a minimum of:

Grade required Subject required

Grade 5

Both 1st and 2nd grade GCSE Combined Science


if triple science is taken

Grade 5 

GCSE Biology


Grade 5

In at least one predominantly written based GCSE subject (from English Language, English Literature, History, Religious Studies or Sociology) 


Grade 5

GCSE PE (if taken)



BTEC/Level 2 Sport & PE (if taken)

In addition, a good/high level of practical performance as a performer. Students need to be competing regularly and to a good standard in an AQA recognised sport (the list can be found on the AQA website).



A Level Sport & Physical Education is accepted at all universities and gives access to various higher education and any number of sport related employment opportunities. The generic skills acquired will allow transition to a wide variety of subject areas and employment.


College students will benefit from the College Fitness Centre, the Sports Hall (including four badminton courts), extremely active and successful football, basketball, netball, badminton and volleyball squads, the 3G outside floodlit 5-a-side pitch (allowing 5-a-side football and hockey) as well as access to numerous high-quality local sports facilities such as ‘The Northern Gateway’ Sports Complex.