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Sociology is the study of contemporary society and encourages students to look at the world in a critical and evidence-based way. Sociology is an exciting, active subject which enables students to understand the relationship between individuals and society, with a focus on current and global issues. Sociology helps students explore their everyday life as well as  understand social change in society. It also explores the impact of social policies on different social groups.  Sociology students describe Sociology as ‘interesting and fun, a subject that really makes you think about the world around you’.  Students enjoy the opportunity to debate and discuss ideas in class and study issues which affect them in their everyday life.

Sociology topics include:

  • Education; why do some students outperform others?
  • Research Methods; how do sociologists gather evidence to support their theories?
  • Families and Households; what does “family” mean today?
  • Believes in Society; which belief system is most appealing today and why? Religion, science and ideology
  • Crime and Deviance; what are the social causes of crime and what are the effects of crime?
  • Sociological Theories; classical sociological ideas which have had a powerful influence on social policy and culture.

Sociology is a highly relevant and respected subject, which combines well with other social sciences such as Criminology, Psychology, Politics, Law, Philosophy, Economics, Health and Social Care as well as History, Media/Film Studies, Statistics, Mathematics, Religious Studies and any art, humanities or science subjects.


Good written skills are required as Sociology is an essay-based course. Teachers in the department are highly experienced in working with exam boards and are well placed to help students to develop their skills and maximise their achievement in exams.

During the Sociology course there will be opportunities to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities such as engaging visiting speakers, trips to universities and in recent years we have offered trips to New York and Berlin, among other places.


Sociology students will also have the opportunity to take up a related Extended Project Qualification in sociology or a related subject in their second year.

The Sociology department also offers a number of ‘support lessons’ where students can get small group or 1:1 help, as well as exam skills development for all levels of ability. The department also have our own reference library with key sociology texts which students can access including exciting titles such as “The Prison Doctor” by Dr Amanda Brown and classic studies such as Ann Oakley’s “From Here to Maternity”.


This is split into approximately six major units learnt over two years:

  1. Education
  2. Research Methods, Methods in Context and Methodology
  3. Families and Households
  4. Beliefs in Society
  5. Crime and Deviance
  6. Sociological Theories


Three written examination papers will be taken at the end of the second year, equally weighted which will form the full A Level qualification:

Paper 1: Education with Theory and Methods (2 hours).

Paper 2: Topics in Sociology: Families and Households/Beliefs in Society (2 hours).

Paper 3: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods (2 hours).

The exam papers are assessed with short and longer answer questions, some of which have source material or ‘Items’ to analyse, based on the two years of study.


Progression to the second year of this A Level course will be dependent on having made satisfactory progress in the first year of the course, including an end of year one exam, as well as the maintenance of a good level of attendance and commitment throughout the year.


Standard College entry requirements (see page 12 of the prospectus) and a minimum of:

Grade required Subject required

Grade 4

GCSE English Language

Grade 5 In at least one predominantly written based GCSE subject (from English Language, English Literature, History, Religious Studies or Sociology) 


Sociology leads to a whole range of exciting employment possibility and can lead to careers which require good communication skills, an understanding of people, sensitivity to social issues and an ability to research and analyse information effectively, efficiently and independently. It enables students to present an argument concisely, precisely and analytically.


Social and market research, business, journalism, civil service, legal profession (police, lawyer, citizens advice, probationary), youth and social work, social reform and government policy, town and community planning, development and charity work, human resources, PR, advertising, counselling services, local government, housing and social/health services, retail management and any career which requires an understanding of today’s complex world and an ability to use initiative and creative thinking.



A strong emphasis and expectation is placed on students to complete independent study and revision throughout the course. We provide a range of different resources to suit different types of learners to allow students to be proactive, independent learners.  Sociology students should have a positive attitude to learning and be ready to work hard.