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Excellent Results

Twins Joe and Tev holding results certificates and smiling

By Adrian Frost , Assistant Principal, 17 August 2023

Students at The Sixth Form College, Colchester have achieved excellent results in their A level programmes in this summer’s examination and assessment series.

Well done to twins Joe and Tev – between there’s 7 A* and three A grades – an amazing achievement! Joe will now study Economics at the University of Nottingham, whereas Tev is off to Manchester to study Computer Science.

Students at The Sixth Form College, Colchester have achieved excellent results in their A level programmes in this summer’s examination and assessment series. In line with the planned national grade allocation in England instigated by the relevant Government agencies, over the piece 2023 grades are very similar to the strong results achieved by students at the College in 2019 (the last pre-covid year when a ‘normal’ profile of A level grades were allocated).

The year group of nearly 1500 students who studied A level programmes at the College in the 2021-23 period achieved a subject/course pass rate of approximately 97%.  100% pass rates were achieved in a large number of A level subjects including in Ancient History, German, Spanish, Italian, History of Art, Music, Electronics and Art and there were 99% or 98% pass rates in most other subjects.  Results were strong in the range of science subjects. 

For more details, including details for a number of individual students, please see our results page.

Congratulations to Jiya – she’s off to King’s College London to study medicine. She’s done an extraordinary job here and is leaving us with a grand total of one A*, three As and a B grade